My friend Angela

My friend Angela
My friend Angela is the best! She's my work buddy, fellow foodie, co-blogger and bestie. I tell her heaps of stuff, more than I do most people.

She's always there to help out. She likes making things feel better for you. Which is really cool. 

She flies to the rescue when I’m working blue ‘F#$% F&*^% F#@!&’. She makes things calm and somehow the job always get done! Which is also really cool ‘cause it means she can put up with me. Which is pretty lucky ‘cause she works in the next work station, and also we blog together and hang out ;-) 

She's really sensible too. She always knows what’s going on and has these really clear thoughts. She says clever stuff and I think ‘oh, yeah!’

She also knows a lot about computer things. I know hardly anything about computer things. I guess I depend on her a bit.
Ohhh, I accidentally left my phone on her desk once and she did a whole lot of selfies but I got her back by posting one on facebook!
She is totally generous. She gives and gives and gives. She has had about the worst year or two you could believe and she is still-like this really cool Christmas present, but-like everyday, and-like to everyone she loves and also to some she doesn’t love so much too.

She makes chocolate salted caramel biscuits for us girls at work and we scoff them down like piggies.
She loves cooking as much as I do. We're always having food convos.

A couple of weeks ago she made Hester Blumenthul’s roast chicken. She brought me leftovers in to work. 

Hey listen up! I’m not talkin’ about something that used to be a meal and got scraped into a plastic takeaway container. I’m talkin’ silver service dinner for one, placemat, salt n pepper n’ all; the whole nine yards. It was de-lish and I felt real special xxx
I was having what I call a spazzy day (yeah, spazzy? so sue me). She leaned over the divider between our work stations just after 5 pm and goes, 'So are we alright? I mean I'm alright but do you want to go for a drink or something?'  Errr…hell yeah! She’s always checkin’ to make sure you’re okay.

She knew I was making a big girl grown up decision after a crazy day at work last week. That night she texts me and goes something like ‘hope you have a good evening, I know your day sucked. I’m thinking of you, all my love’. Mwwaahhhhh!!! She’s got really good timing too. 
She’s like this rock cause she's always so calm and consistent and caring. You know you can rely on Angela. She’s an excellent friend. I reckon she is just the best!

What do you like best about your bestie?